It’d probably be useful to link to some specific projects I’ve been involved in, so here we go…


An IRC Bot that began at YouGov, now open source. Very cool project, not too hard to setup and customize. Check out the link above for more details.

Library Paste

Began as an internal pastebin at YouGov. Rewrote it, and it’s now available for internal installation or publicly on Google App Engine at It’s useful for quickly posting code, arbitrary text, images, pdfs or any files in the 0-10MB range to someone else. Perfect for IRC (it’s integrated with pmxbot) or IM.


A command line tool for posting text or files to Library Paste. pip install lpaste is all you need. There’s also an OS X droplet that you can drag files onto (but still requires the underlying lpaste command) in the repository.


A Python module for using Semaphore Corporation’s ZP4 CASS Address standardization software. Pretty easy to use, if you have ZP4 & Python installed on a Windows box.

Trac & Trac-Hacks

I’ve contributed some patches, beta testing, mailing list help, etc to Trac. I’ve also written a few plugins, notably the TracMergeScript for combining and dividing multiple tracs into multiple other tracs.


I can’t claim much authorship, but I’ve rehosted the PyLevenshtein project. I’ve also released a YouGov internal Fuzzy library with C implementations for python of the phonetic algorithms Soundex, NYSIIS, and Double Metaphone.